Yesterday Greta was sick all morning and into the afternoon. I started offering her Pedialyte that I remembered having in the evening when she kept begging for water. Remembering that my mom had said Andrea had a bit of diarrhea the day before I gave her some also. Both girls loved it.
This morning Greta is doing even better. She woke me up at 7:00 a.m. as she ran for the toilet. Luckily she was just hungry and not starting another round of throw up. She ate four crackers, had a couple drinks, and went back to bed for about 45 minutes. When we came downstairs I asked if she wanted more of the medicine drink. Andrea had been given some Tang before Greta and I got downstairs. I poured Greta half a glass of Pedialyte. Andrea wanted some too, so I gave her about a quarter of a glass. She wasn't impressed. She wanted "ohm" (all of it). She didn't want it anymore, and kept reaching for Greta's cup. Her grandpa and I kept asking her if she wanted different drinks - orange juice, apple juice, Tang... she didn't want any of it. Finally my dad pulled out the apple juice and held it next to Greta's cup, saying, "Look! It's apple juice!" Greta seemed amazed. When she had her next sip she said, "It
does taste like apple juice!" (It really doesn't.) Andrea was still saying that she wanted Greta's drink.
My dad: "It's okay to want."
Greta to Andrea: "That's what Grandpa tells me!"
Me to Greta: "Do you like it when he says that to you?"
Greta: *silence* "I'm not saying."
That made my dad, mom, and me laugh. She did eventually say that no, she doesn't like it when he tells her that.