Saturday, August 30, 2008

Greta was so brave!!

She had her first dentist appointment today (no tomatoes! Andrea was little and then I had other things on my mind). She did so well. I was so impressed! She didn't like getting the x-rays of her back teeth, but she still did it. I'm not sure how impressed she was with the teeth cleaning (when the hygenist said it would tickle she clung to me. She hates tickles. She started making sounds that didn't sound good to me when she was getting fluoride painted on, but she did it and was so good. And she completely ignored the dentist when he tried talking to her. They had earphones on her and she was watching Ella Enchanted on the ceiling! If she tunes me out while watching tv shouldn't she tune out everyone else?

The hygenist and dentist said that her teeth looked really good. She has a beginning of a cavity between a couple of her back teeth, nothing that needs to be fixed right away, so we'll need to be sure to keep up with flossing.

Her cousins were nice while we were at a family party earlier. They told her that she can get her teeth drilled. I guess she was kind of looking forward to that, but I told her that her teeth were healthy and they didn't need to get fixed. She seemed to like that answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a big girl!! YAY!! I just took my three oldest to the dentist and they did well also