Friday, May 29, 2009

Middle of the night wake-ups

A few nights ago (Monday night maybe?) I went to bed late. I had checked on the girls, made sure they weren't ready to roll out of bed, and covered them up before I went to bed. Andrea woke me up about an hour later (1:30 a.m.) needing a drink. I complied, and got her back to bed.

Three hours later (4:30 a.m.) she came running into my room, telling me that "it's going round and round!" Being woken up because of scary dream isn't exactly fun. This was worse, with a startling wake up comment, accelerated heart rate going from sleep to WAKE UP, and needing to take care of my scared little girl. A middle of the night dizzy spell had never happened before. I was surprised. I held on to her for a little while (it didn't last very long), then she said she needed a drink. I took her into the bathroom, set her on the counter next to me, got her a drink, and, after handing the drink to her, I noticed that she wasn't sitting there "okay". Her body was moving in a circle. I pulled her close to me to stabilize her. It wasn't long and everything seemed okay again.

As far as I know she hasn't been having many of these dizzy spells anymore. I was supposed to schedule a follow-up appointment with the ENT awhile ago (I don't remember when I spoke with him. At least a month ago), but I never did because I figured I had the time frame of when these were happening narrowed down. Bad excuse not to schedule, I know. They seem to happen when she has a cold; quite often later in the sickness when she seems to be getting better.

I think it is time to get the professional involved again.

1 comment:

Marni said...

Weird! Poor little girl.