Tuesday, July 29, 2008

She is getting it!

Tonight after Andrea's bath she was trying to avoid getting out so I was sitting there clipping my fingernails. All of a sudden Andrea said what sounded like "puppy." I said, "What puppy?" She said, "Puppy!" then started pushing. EEK!! I kinda yelled and hopped off the toilet and got her on it just in time. YAY!!! She knew what she was doing, we just have to learn more about timing and practicing saying "potty."

Greta is also learning something. I don't know how long this has been happening, but every time she goes "stinky" she sits on the toilet saying "Owie stinky" over, and over, and over, and over..... A few days ago I was in there with her, trying to convince her that she didn't need to do this. I'm not exactly sure what I said (maybe that I would get her potty snacks for NOT saying "owie stinky" so much, and especially for not shouting it), but she stopped! And she was so proud of herself for saying "owie stinky" in her head. When I got home from school last night and went up to give them bedtime hugs she told me that she had a huge monster stinky and didn't even yell "owie stinky." YAY!! Now I won't have to worry about her going to school and having kids (or grown-ups) tease her about that.

Huh. I just realized that was a post full of stinky. :P

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